Hire smarter. Use skills tests.

Resumes are only half the picture. Screen candidates with skills tests and cut your time to hire by over 80%.

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There is a smarter way to hire

Our smart skills tests help you screen and hire the best candidates faster. Stop wasting hundreds of hours scanning resumes, and start screening for skills that really matter.

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Trusted by great companies worldwide:

Applicant quality guaranteed

See how capable they actually are with skills tests.

Screen 1000s of candidates in seconds

Easily filter candidates by their test results.

Boost your candidate experience

91% of test takers love applying through us.

“By removing unnecessary paperwork, we can hire new people in as little as 2-3 weeks from the time they apply, with very high confidence and very low turnover.”
Paul, Mobile Development Team Lead
“In just a day, we had over 75 candidates, and 3 of those were already marked as ‘potential hires’. It's a great feeling knowing I didn't have to go through 70+ resumes to find the perfect candidate.”
Dunja Lazic, VP of Marketing
“The best people aren't usually looking for a job, but when a great opportunity comes (literally) in front of them, they are interested. Toggl Hire helped us get the attention of these people.”
Ho Yin, Founder

Hire better, faster, & fairer

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Toggl Hire

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2. Create your first job opening

Curate the perfect test or build your own from scratch

3. Get your test out there

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Effortless hiring for modern teams

Toggl Hire is designed to make the best candidates pop, saving you time, money, and precious decision-making energy. Our skills tests help you cut through the noise and straight to the best talent.

Hire smarter with Toggl Hire.

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