Listonic Removes Hiring Bias

Banish unconscious hiring bias and build up diversity with an objective skills testing tool.

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See how Toggl Hire is helping teams to hire smarter

Customer stories

“Toggl Hire lets you test candidates’ skills first without seeing their name, age, or nationality.”

- 4 Ways To Create A More Diverse
Workplace That Inspires Innovation

“By removing unnecessary paperwork, we can hire new people in as little as 2-3 weeks from the time they apply, with very high confidence and very low turnover.”
Paul, Technical Lead at Toggl
“In just a day, we had over 75 candidates, and 3 of those were already marked as ‘potential hires’. It's a great feeling knowing I didn't have to go through 70+ resumes to find the perfect candidate.”
Dunja Lazic, VP of Marketing
“The best people aren't usually looking for a job, but when a great opportunity comes (literally) in front of them, they are interested. Toggl Hire helped us get the attention of these people.”
Ho Yin, Founder

How will Toggl Hire transform your hiring process?

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