Sked Social Screens Candidates 80% Faster

Sked Social, a leading Instagram scheduler, hires employees from all around the globe. Their job openings get 100s of applications, making candidate screening extremely time-consuming and difficult. With our skills tests, they managed to cut their screening time by 80% and the overall time-to-hire by 50%. Here’s how they did it.

applicants for the role
reduction in time-to-hire
candidates in 1 day
candidates scored 100%

The Challenge

Screening a high volume of applicants effectively

Sked Social is a remote company based in Melbourne and employees all over the world. 

Historically, Sked Social used traditional hiring methods with resumes and cover letters to find new talent. However, doing background checks and going through hundreds of resumes usually took them weeks. 

Resumes and Linkedin profiles weren't good ways to tell which candidates were actually a good fit for the role. The needed a tool that would allow them to reliably screen high volumes of applicants in short periods of time.

Dunja Lazic
VP of Marketing at Sked Social
“We used to have to go through ~200 resumes, then chose ~15 candidates to do screening interviews.
When we finally settled on the second round of candidates, we were already so burned out by the process we just gave up. It took over 6 weeks to get to that point.”

The Solution

Sked Social approached us to help hire a Content Marketing Strategist. 

Due to their lack of dedicated recruiter or HR Manager, they needed a tool that could be quickly set up and used by the hiring managers themselves.

Dunja Lazic, Sked Social VP of Marketing, started by writing down everything the new hire will be working on. She then focused on the 3-4 most important things and came up with skills-based questions relating to that. 

She also used questions from our question library, which made building the test a lot easier and faster.

Power to the hiring managers: Our intuitive design means anyone can set up a test.

The Results

applicants for their Content Marketing Strategist position
faster candidate screening using our skills tests
weeks from job posting to job offer. Now that's speedy hiring!

Screening 800 applicants and narrowing it down to the 10 best ones would normally take Sked Social a few weeks.

With us on their side, it took them about an hour.

See the big picture: Easy to understand analytics give you a snapshot of candidate data
Dunja Lazic
VP of Marketing at Sked Social
“I didn't expect so many senior marketers to apply and I'm very glad they did. Toggl Hire also supported our diversity hiring efforts immensely. There is absolutely no space for bias when only results matter.”

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