How Toggl Plan
Mastered Remote Hiring

Toggl Plan is a team calendar that makes managing projects beautifully simple. Being a fully remote company with employees spread out in different time zones, they bring in 1000s of applications for each job opening. So, they needed a test-based solution to help them hire better and faster.

applicants for a single job opening
immediately identified as qualified
of candidates immediately rejected
interviews carried out on strongest talent

The Challenge

Hiring efficiently without an HR department

Initially, Toggl Plan was receiving 1000+ applicants per position. Without a dedicated HR team, and team leads in charge of growing their own teams, Toggl Plan needed an efficient solution that would allow their small team of 14 to continue working without recruitment becoming an all-consuming part of their day-to-day.

CEO at Toggl Plan
“When we were hiring a Team Building Manager, we received 300 applications on the first day. Imagine going through them all manually!”

The Solution

Our skills test are designed to be simple to set up and use. Anyone can get started and begin screening candidates with ease.

Now, candidates take a quick skills test, and the highest scorers are automatically shortlisted. Focusing only on the best talent saves Toggl Plan dozens of hours on every job opening.

Great time-saver: We automatically shortlist candidates who score over a desired threshold on the skills test, saving you time to focus only on the best.

The Results

increase in applications per job opening
decrease in shortlisting time
of candidates automatically deemed unfit for interview

The results speak for themselves: pretty much immediately, Toggl Plan was able to identify the best candidates from the hundreds that were applying, saving time, money, and energy in the process. A win all around!

Simple design: Intuitive to use - anyone can set up a test and interpret results fast.
Marketing Team Lead at Toggl Plan
“It’s all about hiring the best and being happy with only the best. So, if you’re looking into building the best possible team in a lean and scalable way, I don’t see any other way forward besides Toggl Hire!”

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