Smart testing for smarter hiring

Screen and hire candidates effortlessly with Smart Skills Tests. Go from 500 applicants to the 50 strongest candidates in one afternoon.

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Trusted by great companies worldwide:

Create your job opening and Smart Test in seconds

Create a test in 2 clicks. Select the job role you're hiring for and the skills most relevant to the position will automatically populate the test creator

Easily add or edit questions to your liking

We generate unique tests for each candidate from our database of 1500+ questions

Get a shareable link and spread the word about your newest job opening

Give candidates instant feedback on how they performed

“What matters most is the right attitude and skills. Toggl Hire helped us quickly test those things before even talking to candidates and this greatly improved our process.”
Emil, Head of International Sales at Listonic

Focus only on the best talent with automatic screening

Filter candidates by score or tags and export their test results

Manage your whole hiring process in a customizable Pipeline View

Collaborate with your team to leave notes, ratings, and tags on candidates

“We had over 75 applicants in one day, and Toggl Hire instantly marked 3 of them as ‘potential hires’. Saved me going through 70+ resumes!”
Dunja, VP of Marketing at Sked Social

Get an insight into your hiring process

Candidates appreciate a fairer hiring method that values real skills over all else

See which channels are best for sourcing candidates

Get an insight into which questions are too easy or too hard

“Attracting candidates with Toggl Hire's skills tests really works better than posting the ad on job boards.”
Triinu, HR Manager at Monese

Stress-free hiring

We help you hire better, faster, and fairer with smart skills testing. Reclaim your time and focus only the best talent, instead of sifting through hundreds of resumes.

Sign up for free

Create your Smart Test in just 2-clicks

Filter candidates by
test scores

Provide a world-class candidate experience

Product features

Have an overview of all your skills tests in one single view
Filter candidates by scores and tags
Collaborate with your team to leave notes, ratings, and tags on candidates.
Get an insight into your hiring process
Give candidates instant feedback on how they performed
Export candidates by using CSV or PDF export
Export candidate data for custom integrations or analytics
User-friendly dashboard
Easy filtering
Team-wide collaboration
Candidate experience
Candidate export

App integrations

Google Chrome

Getting started takes less than 10 seconds

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