
As you track your time, Toggl gets smarter and provides personalized entry suggestions.

Customize Entries

Add projects & clients to your time entries and see what you are spending your time on.

Simple Time Tracking

Just a simple tap on the play icon and you’ll start tracking - add the details later, time’s a-wastin’!

At a Glance

Easily see how much time you’ve spent working, and how much of that you can actually bill.

Graphs & Pies

Charts in different formats help you easily visualize your data and see what you’ve been up to.

Add Events from Calendar

Connect your calendar with Toggl and easily add events as time entries with a single tap.

Mix It Up

Quickly see your time entries and your calendar events to get a better understanding of your workday.

Toggl Man

Also available on Android iOS

Mobile-specific time-saving features.

Toggl Mobile with suggestions


As you use the app to track your time, it will slowly start to generate suggestions on what you could track based on your habits & most tracked entries.

Toggl Mobile with shortcuts


By using @ and #, you can quickly add projects and tags to your time entries and get back to work right away!

Enter time entries manually with Toggl Mobile

Manual Mode

Want more control? Add & edit all of your time manually and make sure that every second of your time is accounted for.

App Store Reviews


Made my freelancing
so much easier

This app is foolproof, and made tracking my hours for client projects so much easier. I like to work on various different tasks a day so I’m sort of all over the place. Toggl keeps me organized!


Time Management
App of the Year

I’ve been using this app for just a week and it’s already had an effect on my time management. The Hawthorne Effect In Full Effect!


The best time tracker. Period.

I’m a one-man shop, doing consulting work for multiple clients, and Toggl makes that extraordinarily easy. If you need a sophisticated time-tracker for billing and reporting, look no further.

Looking to spice up your productivity?

Instead of being productive with one app, you can be productive with all of your apps - at once!

Use shortcuts with Toggl


With Shortcuts, you can now connect the best features of your apps with Toggl...

Use Siri with Toggl


... and then use them instantly - all with just a tap or by asking Siri*.

Connect Toggl with your apps

*requires iOS 12 or later

Toggl is not just on your phone.

Toggl follows you from your phone to your laptop to your desktop. No matter where you start tracking, Toggl syncs your data in real time so you don't lose a second.

Toggl on all devices

Get Toggl Desktop Get Toggl Button